Find your happiness.

Hey there Mama!

Are you someone who, since having a kid . . .

Feels like you don’t know who you are anymore?

Wonders where your own identity went?

Is feeling the repruccussions of constantly putting yourself on the backburner, because there just isn’t enough time in the day to do anything for yourself?

Doesn’t recognize your own body, much less your life?

Is missing her confidence?

Feels as though everything has changed yet knows you can’t go back to the way things were before, therefore you feel stuck?

Feels guilty even thinking these thoughts because despite how you feel, you wouldn’t trade being a parent for the world. You love your children and are extremely grateful but you can’t help but feel a little lost as an individual?

I know how you feel . . . I was there once too!

How would you feel if you could. . .

Have a renewed sense of identity?

Feel back in touch with your true self again?

Have a plan for yourself to move forward vibrantly?

Figure out how to focus on yourself again, without putting your family on the back burner?

Feel confident and good about yourself again?

Be one happy, unstopabble bad ass version of yourself and rock Mama Life all at the same time?

Hi! My name is Maria…

It feels like just yesterday I came home from the hospital with my son and started my motherhood journey. As exciting a time as it was, I wasn’t expecting to feel as though as I was losing a piece of myself everyday in the process. And as much as my heart was filled with unsurmountable love for my little babe, I couldn’t help but feel completely lost as an individual in just a short amount of time.

Fortunately, I found my way by learning how to honor and value myself as a mother and as a woman. Slowly over time, my confidence came back, and I found the new enhanced version of the woman who had been hiding inside me all along. Now I help moms like you find their confidence again through heart felt one on one coaching.

If you’re ready to begin your transformative journey, click below!

Try a session for free and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

“Her coaching allowed me to reflect and grow on this journey…She gave me easy and realistic tips to implement.”
